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As of 2021, all electricity and district heating used in Jetflite ground operations in EFHK is 100 % renewable energy.

The CO2 emissions of business jets account for 2% of all aviation emissions, and 0.04% of global man-made carbon emissions. Business jets are operated for specific missions and fly direct routes between airports. Modern navigation equipment, the latest technologies, engine design and operational best practices improve fuel efficiency and reduce GHG emissions. The European business aviation community as a whole has committed to the following targets:

  • Carbon-neutral growth
  • An improvement in fuel efficiency of 2% per year
  • A reduction in total CO2 emissions by 50% by 2050 relative to 2005.

Jetflite has taken steps to reduce the carbon footprint of its operations. We follow emission levels annually and optimize our operations and flight planning procedures to minimize fuel consumption in several different ways. Further information and the detailed environmental programme we follow are available to our partners upon request.

Frankness is said to be very Finnish. For us, as a Finnish family-owned company, frankness means being open, honest and transparent about the commitments we are making to responsibly grow our business.

FRANKLY JETFLITE as part of FRANKLY WIHURI is a promise to ourselves and our stakeholders to be true to our values. Our commitment to serving the needs of our business and stakeholders is guided by the values of openness, reliability, innovativeness and profitability.

As a family business, we view our employees as our extended family and want them to bring their best selves to work each and every day. We are dedicated to their self-care, well-being, and career growth.

We feel the responsibility to do right by our planet, ensuring that our business operations give back more than they take.

Whether we are working on land, sea or air, we have a responsibility to ensure that the resources and materials we rely on are responsibly sourced.

We are committed to ensuring the fair treatment of all who contribute to the production and distribution of our products across our supply chain.

These beliefs guide our journey toward responsible growth. Thus, Frankly Jetflite is a mirror within and a call for dialogue with the surrounding world.