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Aircraft Management – Fee Structure

We conduct our business ethically, openly, and with mutual trust. Unlimited transparency is a key feature of Jetflite Aircraft Management. Our fees are based on the following structure:

TheĀ Monthly Management Fee is used to cover the flight operational costs of operating your aircraft among the Jetflite fleet. In addition to the monthly management fee, we also offer our exclusive 24 Hour Dispatch and Flight Planning Services.

Flight OPS includes aircraft administration and controlling services and inhouse 24-hour dispatch Services, including flight planning, permission, and handling Services

CAMO, or Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization. The scope of the CAMO is to organize and manage all documents and publications for Maintenance Organizations Part 145 and Part M approved, like the development and management of aircraft maintenance programs fulfilled. A CAMO must also provide record keeping of maintenance performed.

The spendable Aircraft Operating Deposit is a sum of money used to level the costs endured between the billing days. This deposit will be used during the operation to pay for invoices that need to be paid throughout the month. This will be followed by an invoice to you with the request to refill the deposit for the next period.

Our CAMO and P145 operate 24/7. Dispatchers and customer service work as well 24/7 in three shifts. We have our own crew coordinator to handle crew issues, safety & quality staff, HR, and accounting are all done in-house.

Cost forecasting

We will provide a monthly or yearly forecast of costs to expect for the following period.

We are able to provide a large number of benefits in terms of fuel management and other cost-saving items. You will find a number of items that are subject to special rates and reductions by being welcomed as a member of the Jetflite fleet. As an example, our in-house maintenance fees are reduced by 20% for management customers.

We can help you reduce the cost of ownership through the ability to provide charter revenue when you or your company are not utilizing your aircraft.